Parenting with mindfulness and respect

An infant or young toddler peers out a window with curiosity, independently observing a bright outdoor scene.
  • An infant looks up in interest at something in a sun-filled playroom.  A parent or caretaker smiles behind the baby.

    Play Groups

    Open-ended play, observation and discussion, community building.

  • A parent or caregiver's hand holds a tiny baby foot.

    Parent Coaching

    Personalized support and problem solving via video session, email, or text.

  • Part of a baby's room with a dresser and changing table combo, shelf, and diaper pail, some of the baby gear that may be needed for infancy and toddlerhood.

    Custom Baby Registry

    Get a custom baby gear list, complete with links, to suit your tastes and preferences.

  • Toddler feet in rain boots happily splashing in a big puddle

    Guides and Tools

    Quick and easy downloads of resources for parents and soon-to-be parents of infants and toddlers.

Parent coach Emma Koehler smiles into the camera.  She's wearing a black button down shirt and has wavy dark blond hair.

Hi, I’m Emma.

I’m Emma Koehler, a parent educator and coach with over a decade of working with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers and their families. I’m dedicated to respectful and mindful parenting practices, and passionate about helping parents and caregivers grow their understanding and connection with kids through knowledge of child development. I am deeply inspired by Magda Gerber and Emmi Pikler, and have completed training in RIE ®️ Foundations: Theory and Observation.

An infant lying on a blanket on the floor stares up joyfully at a parent or caregiver, fists in that typical baby happy fist mode!
A young toddler plays outside independently, smelling a flower, being observed by a parent or caregiver.